From the first day that I walked in,
You told me where we had to begin.
You gave me braces to wear for a while,
So that I could have a nicer smile,
Thru retainers and neckgear,
Of more, I always lived in fear
And now that it's all over, I'd like to thank you, which I will,
Because now everyone says I have a smile to kill!
Thank you Dr. Steinberg, Sandy, and the staff.
Ariella Orbach (teenage patient)

It was five years ago when I first walked in
You looked at my mouth and said we better begin
We started with two retainers right in a row
They had a special screw so my mouth would grow
The retainers weren't tight after a while
But you said there was an improvement in my smile
I then got a lip bumper when the retainers were through
You said there was a big change but I saw nothing new
It got in the way and didn't look so good
I didn't want to wear it but you told me I should
When that was gone, I had a few months to spare
Then you told me a full mouth of braces was what I would wear
Five braces were broken, while they were on
Now a year and half later and all braces are gone
Now when I smile I really can tell
How all my appliances worked so well
Thank you Dr. Steinberg and all of his staff
Now I'm not embarassed when I smile or laugh
Once again I thank the whole office
Whenever I smile I'll remember you for this
- Beth J. Trister (teenage patient)

When in my mirror I looked
I saw a tooth that was crooked
I asked your advice
You told me the price
The next thing I knew I was booked!
With braces and wires galore
My mouth was never a bore
On every trip
There was always a snip
But boy the beginning was sore!
I brushed carefully at night
To see that all was right
The elastics were fun
I wore all the colors under the sun
It was the chain that just felt so tight!
Now my teeth are so beautiful and straight
It was a moment for which I could hardly wait
The retainer is in place
I'm happy with my face
Dr. Steinberg proves it's never too late!
With infinite thanks for a job well done
Rissa Mechaly
(a mature patient! Never too old!)

When I first came to Dr. Steinberg's office many years ago, I was slouching across his comfortable chair, contemplating the possibilities of escaping from signing his famous, heinous contract; it entailed several years of my wearing braces, headgears, lip-bumpers, and other such horrifying inconvienient apparati. Although, at first, I was dismayed by the amount of work which would be necessary to correct "my bite", I quickly forgot my misgivings; evidently, he was a humorous, compassionate, and, most importantly, a highly qualified orthodontist. Throughout the painstaking procedures, which on occasions could last a long time on a late Friday afternoon, Dr. Steinberg was always patient and smiling.
I recall that, to my surprise, he always remembered important details of each patient's personal life. He always took the time, for instance, to ask me about my violin, chess, hockey, and academic careers; furthermore, he never failed to flatter me with his extravagant compliments. While all these preceding attributes pay tribute to his character, his perseverance, however, is his most commendable quality. Were it not for his continuous efforts to rectify my bite, I would never have been blessed with my perfect smile.
Perhaps I may not have been his most dedicated patient, but I can certainly boast that I am one of his most grateful. I thank him and his staff profusely for helping to give me this beautiful smile. Hopefully, they will always continue delivering this excellent treatment to all their future patients.
Gautam Saxena, 16 yrs.
Selwyn House School
QUICK SUMMARY: Dr. Steinberg is extremely successful for the following reasons: he is humorous, compassionate, dedicated, and highly qualified.
BONUS POINT: His staff, furthermore, is exemplary; they are a true reflection of his own personal goal to achieve the highest distinction in the patient's satisfaction.
Thanks to the good doctor, his staff, and several years of work and patience, I now have a healthy, beautiful set of teeth. Good luck to all future patients! Dr. Steinberg, I have but one last thing to say ...
"Hasta la vista, baby." -- T2

Thank you Dr. Steinberg, Sandy & Assistants

Thank you Dr. Steinberg for My daughters exceptional treatment. You have gone above and beyond with my daughters treatment which has lead to a great experience for both myself and my daughter.
We appreciate the time and patients you have while tending to our needs and numerous questions.
The staff are always friendly and inviting.
Thank you,
Martin & Mercedes Steinwald